Basic Cremation Package

Direct Cremation

The Basic Package at High Point Thomasville Cremations offers a simple and affordable option for direct cremation. This package includes the transfer of your loved one to our facility, the basic services of our funeral director and staff, and the cremation process. It does not include the use of facilities or staff for any visitation or ceremony, public or private, prior to cremation, nor the required fee for the medical examiner’s cremation certificate. Please note that state and local laws do not require a casket for direct cremation.

If you choose direct cremation, an alternative container can be used. These containers, which encase the body, may be made of materials such as fiberboard or cardboard. The alternative containers we provide are made of fiberboard or cardboard for simplicity and affordability.

Embalming and/or refrigeration may be selected at the time of arrangements, depending on your needs.

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